The Importance of Meal Prep: The Week I Skipped…And Why I Won’t Be Doing That Again

Ok, so I didn’t entirely skip meal prep. But compared to what I normally cook every week, I did. If you saw this post, you know I was on vacation from work for most of this week. Well, a staycation. So I figured, why not?! I will be home for most of the week, I will have plenty of time. How about I don’t do meal prepping this week?!

Bad. Idea.

Thankfully, none of the meals I planned went bad or anything. But I did delay cooking the casserole I had planned by 2 days, which did make me a little worried for our ingredients initially.

But mostly, it was the stress and lack of options. When time should I make dinner for? What is Draz taking for lunch today? (He only had 3 days off to my 5)

Some of you might think this is a little crazy. It was only a couple of days, right? It shouldn’t make that big of a difference!

It did. Some of it might just be the routine. We’ve been meal prepping for over a year now and we are used to how that works. This was out of routine, so it was a little disorienting. But some of it was that, for us, it truly is easier to have all the food for the week made in advance.

So, all in all, I don’t think I will be skipping any more meal preps anytime soon! While it may not make that big of a difference to some, it makes a huge difference to us.

But wait! I did say I didn’t entirely skip prepping, didn’t I? Well, that’s true, so here is what I made!

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset
Mason Jar Salads, Snacks and Treats


I don’t want to even imagine how much more stressful things would have been if I had skipped making our salads and snacks along with everything else!  At least I thought ahead well enough to know that would be a bad idea, right?

Have you ever skipped a meal prep? Did it make things harder the following week, or was it not too noticeable? Or do you think I’m just crazy? 😛 I would love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment below!

Sara (1)

Want to get started meal prepping yourself? Check out these posts for my top tips and my staple recipes!

Need some extra inspiration? Check out last week’s meal prep for other recipes and ideas!

2 thoughts on “The Importance of Meal Prep: The Week I Skipped…And Why I Won’t Be Doing That Again

  1. Oh giiiiirl I feel you! I skipped menu planning and prepping a few weeks ago and it was crippling! Having to think of meals of the fly and head to the shops to by 1 or 2 days worth of ingredients was SO annoying! I’m totally with you on not skipping some sort of menu / meal prep each week.


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