Ledges State Park: Discovering Local Treasures and Being a Tourist in Your Own Town

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Have you ever acted like a tourist in your own community? Or at least not like a local? Sometimes there are some amazing places right in your own backyard! Places that you may have overlooked or even forgotten about, because they have always been there.

For many years, this was how Ledges State Park was for me. I knew it was there, and even had been out there a couple times. But for the most part, I forgot about it. I had lived less than 10 miles away for over 6 years before I started going there regularly! 
Continue reading “Ledges State Park: Discovering Local Treasures and Being a Tourist in Your Own Town”

Sunday Meal Prep

Hey everyone! Welcome to this week’s meal prep! This week was a bit weird for me. While normally I enjoy meal prep and cooking in general, there are some days where it is just a chore. This Sunday was one of those days. Not only did it feel like a chore, but it felt like it took much longer than it actually did. I’m just thankful that it was a relatively small amount of cooking to be done, instead of one of my marathon days. I pushed my way through to the end and was very glad to be done.

At least the food was tasty, including a new recipe!  Continue reading “Sunday Meal Prep”

Sunday Meal Prep

Do you remember the first dish you cooked? I do. Up until I was around 20 yrs old, I couldn’t cook. I could make pasta, but that was pretty much it. Then one day, kinda homesick and missing my mom’s wonderful cooking, I decided to make her jambalaya. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking, but I went out, got all the ingredients, and got to cooking. It took forever! I was so slow at everything!  Continue reading “Sunday Meal Prep”

Sunday Meal Prep

Hey everyone! Welcome to another edition of Sunday Meal Prep! Relatively small prep this week, which was a nice break from the norm. A bit more pasta-intensive that you usually see from me, but that seemed to really fit the mood this week. What can I say, we love pasta!

So without further ado, here is this week’s meal prep! Continue reading “Sunday Meal Prep”

My Fitness Journey – the Backstory and Where I’m at Now

This post is really hard for me….I’ve actually been planning on writing this for over a month but kept putting it off.

I’ve struggled with my weight for most of my life. While I was pretty skinny as a kid, by the time I was in high school that had started to change. By the time I was 16 I was starting to really put on weight, enough so that it was asked more than once if I was pregnant.

However, it was really when I went to college that not only gained most of my weight, but kept it on for years. At my heaviest, I was around 250 lbs. I’m actually unsure if that is my heaviest, since I avoided scales as much as possible. Continue reading “My Fitness Journey – the Backstory and Where I’m at Now”

June Favorites and July Goals

Hey everyone! Welcome to the first installment of ‘Favorites and Goals’! A few of the reasons I started this blog were to keep myself motivated and document life’s moments. In this new series, I’m going to post some of my favorite pictures from the previous month and lay out a few goals for the new month. In future posts for this series I will also add in how I did on the previous month’s goals. 🙂

Onward to my favorite pics from June! Continue reading “June Favorites and July Goals”