Sunday Meal Prep

Hey everyone and welcome back to another week of meal prepping! I may have gone a little crazy 😉 Boyfriend and I decided that we would budget a bit extra to build up our freezer “stash” of meals, so I had a few things extra planned for this week. Now, I want to remind everyone reading that meal prepping DOES NOT have to be this lengthy or involved. It can be as simple or complex as you would like it to be.

As always, I hope you enjoy this week’s meals!  Continue reading “Sunday Meal Prep”

Family Time with Kil’n Time Studio!

Family traditions can come from just about anything, and in this case it started over 10 years ago at a (different) paint-your-own pottery studio in Des Moines, Iowa. One of my cousins was getting married and the women on my mom’s side of the family decided that we would go have a pottery painting party as a different style of “bachelorette” party. Except instead of painting for ourselves, we painted things for the happy couple! It was so much fun! And when the next cousin was getting married, we decided to do it again. Voila, a family tradition was born!

Continue reading “Family Time with Kil’n Time Studio!”

Sunday Meal Prep

Hey everyone! Welcome to this week’s edition of Meal Prep! I didn’t have a whole lot to make this week, which was nice. Boyfriend and I decided to have an at-home date night with how much free time I had 🙂


Two types of salads this week: Tuna Quinoa Cakes in Boyfriend’s, mine were meatless with black beans and corn added. Continue reading “Sunday Meal Prep”

Sunday Meal Prep

Welcome back to another week of meal prep and recipes! I hope you all had a wonderful week!

This meal prep was both a lot of work and very satisfying. Boyfriend and I decided to splurge and stock up on a few things this payday for me to prep for the freezer, so it was a larger-than-normal amount of cooking.

Here is this week’s meal prep!  Continue reading “Sunday Meal Prep”

Meal Prep Staples

Hey all! After a few meal prep posts, I have realized that it makes more sense to have a post with links to and recipes of the foods that I make most weeks, than linking to the same recipes every Sunday. I will update this if we add anything to our regular rotation. Any picture that doesn’t have a recipe below it will be a link to the original recipe.

So without further ado, here are our favorite recipes!  Continue reading “Meal Prep Staples”

Learning Henna

Henna is something that I had seen before, but hadn’t had any personal exposure to until around a year ago, when I went to a small gathering teaching about henna. I didn’t do any myself, but was shown how to and had a design done on my hand. I was hooked! I immediately went home and started researching, reading as much as I could. I ordered some from Henna Caravan shortly after that and started practicing. I honestly haven’t done much yet, but I am slowly working to build my confidence.

Here is some designs I did last summer.  Continue reading “Learning Henna”

Sunday Meal Prep

Hey all, it’s time for this weeks Sunday Meal Prep! This one is a bit smaller than last week. I have found over time I tend to alternate between bigger, more time-intensive Sundays and much smaller, more basic Sundays. This is due to prepping a lot of meals and meal-componenets for the freezer on the larger Sundays.

Also, in the spirit of full disclosure, I have started posting each Meal Prep grouping one week after it was actually made. When I started this series, my intention was to post that same day’s group. However, I have come to realize that it was just too stressful for me to do it that way. The end result would most likely be a sub-par post, and I don’t particularly want to do that, for myself and for all of you!

So, without further delay, here is my Sunday Meal Prep from last weekend! Continue reading “Sunday Meal Prep”

Learning to Garden: How My Garden is Growing!

Hey everyone! Just a quick update in my ever-continuing journey in learning to garden!

My vegetable plants seem to be growing in pretty well! I’ve been told I need to get cages to support the tomatoes, so I’m going to be picking those up over the next couple days. Anyone know if I have waited too long based on the picture?

The plants as of yesterday. Also, don’t you just love my yoga frog?! I think he is just awesome! My mom got him for me 🙂

Continue reading “Learning to Garden: How My Garden is Growing!”