Fitness Update: 2 Months of Kayla Itsines’ BBG Complete!

Two months done! I’m not going to lie, this last month was rough, mostly schedule-wise. The holidays and my day job kinda threw everything off track. That being said, I’m really proud of myself for all that I did this last month! I did miss a few LISS workouts, and one resistance workout (kinda two, but that shoveling definitely should count as a full body workout!) but even with that being the case, my strength has shown improvements and I’ve been feeling much better overall!

The two workout sets (weeks 5 & 7 and weeks 6 & 8) are set side-by-side to show progress. The workout circuits are the same in each week, so I love seeing that I made it through a little farther in weeks 7 & 8! It wasn’t a huge amount of progress, but it is there!


These progress pics were taken a little late and after not working out for a couple days, early in Week 9. I’m loving that I’m actually seeing progress now! (Although I’m pretty sure some of it is finding clothing that actually seems to work for progress pictures)

Hopefully I will see more visible progress in the next set of progress pics, but either way I know that I’m making improvements, so I’m just going to keep at it and trust the process!

Also, the reason that the side progress pic is a Week 1-Week 8 comparison instead of Week 4 like the others is that the Week 4 side pic was really weird and not accurate at all!


I am redoing Week 9 next week, due to fighting a nasty cold all week this week. Even with that delay, I am loving this program and feeling better than ever!

How is your fitness journey going? Are you finishing the end of the year like you had hoped you would? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Sara (1)

My Fitness Journey – the Backstory and Where I’m at Now

This post is really hard for me….I’ve actually been planning on writing this for over a month but kept putting it off.

I’ve struggled with my weight for most of my life. While I was pretty skinny as a kid, by the time I was in high school that had started to change. By the time I was 16 I was starting to really put on weight, enough so that it was asked more than once if I was pregnant.

However, it was really when I went to college that not only gained most of my weight, but kept it on for years. At my heaviest, I was around 250 lbs. I’m actually unsure if that is my heaviest, since I avoided scales as much as possible. Continue reading “My Fitness Journey – the Backstory and Where I’m at Now”